Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ferraros of Westfield Comes to Summit

I used to live in Westfield.  One of our favorite places to eat was Ferraros.  It was many peoples' favorite because they had 2 parts of the restuarant; the fancy dining room and the casual dining room.  Momma was always there to greet you and you felt like you were having dinner in her home.  After we moved out of Westfield we didn't go eat there much.  It was always so crowded we drifted to other Italian restaurants closer to home.

Then came the fire and beloved Ferraros Restaurant was no more.  But I am thrilled to announce that the Ferraro family has opened Anna's Ristorante in Summit.  We found it quite by accident and was stunned to see that the Ferraro trademark is all over the restaurant.  The food is amazing, the staff is wonderful and, although it's not Momma, it's still the family greeting you like an old friend (whether they know you or not).  The restaurant design is lovely and it just makes you feel good to be there.

Dont take my word for it.  Please visit Annas Ristorante in Summit.  Let me know what you think.

Yours in Coffee (or should I say vino?),


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